Oct. 17, 2016 Policy Orders

In response to Joe Lavins’ death the previous week, city councillors submitted many policy orders regarding bicycle safety. They have now passed – updated numbers.

Two call for pilot programs for protected bike lanes on major city thoroughfares – Mass Ave, Cambridge St and Hampshire St (POR # 264, 267). These are particularly exciting since they include concrete asks and an urgent timeline for execution.

One orders that separated bike lanes be included in all new Mass Ave designs (POR # 266).

Two involve reconsidering designs, specifically for Pearl St and Huron Ave (POR # 265, 268).

One creates a working group for Vision Zero, to make sure its principles are adhered to in any new design (POR # 269). It’s good to see Cambridge legitimize its commitment to Vision Zero – hopefully, the working group will have sufficient power.

One is truck-related (POR # 272).

One asks the city to report back on ways to improve bicycling and safety for other users (POR # 263), but is too broad in scope. Plus, we already have the Cambridge bicycle plan, the State has guidelines on complete streets plus a funding program, and more. We know how to do this. However, we appreciate the sentiment.

Download complete policy orders (PDF)

Policy Order #267 (in pdf #3477)
Sponsored by Councillor Devereux, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Mazen

That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department, Fire Department, Police Department, Budget Department, and other relevant City departments to install pilot program protected bike lanes on Massachusetts Avenue between Cedar Street and Harvard Square starting on November 1, 2016, to install pilot program protected bike lanes on Cambridge Street between Inman Square and Quincy Street and to install pilot program protected bike lanes on Broadway between Prospect Street and Quincy Street, all for the period of at least one month.

Policy Order #264 (in pdf #3480)

Sponsored by Vice Mayor Marc C. McGovern, Councillor Jan Devereux, Councillor Craig A. Kelley

That the City Manager is requested to work with the appropriate City Departments to design a pilot system of flex-post separated bike lanes and intersections, along Massachusetts Avenue, Hampshire Street, and Cambridge Street to determine how installation of flex-posts might be used as either interim or permanent bike safety solutions while other infrastructure improvements can be designed and analyzed for safety and implemented as appropriate.

Policy Order #266 (in pdf #3478)
Sponsored by Councillor Devereux, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Mazen

That the City Manager is requested to include separated bicycle facilities or adjacent off-street paths in any plans for reconstructing all or part of Massachusetts Avenue, along the entire length of the reconstructed segment and to give first priority to the safety and convenience of the most vulnerable road users – pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users – with second priority to the safety and convenience of motor vehicles in any plans for reconstructing all or part of Massachusetts Avenue.

Policy Order #265 (in pdf #3479)

Sponsored by Councillor Devereux, Councillor Mazen

That the Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebrations committee be and hereby is requested to hold a committee hearing to discuss the possibility of adding a bike-bus lane to Pearl Street and any measures that can be taken to accommodate on-street parking preferences of residents.

Policy Order #268 (in pdf #3476)

Sponsored by Councillor Devereux, Councillor Mazen

That the City Manager is requested to include protected bike lanes on both sides of Huron Avenue for the full length of its reconstruction, per the Cambridge Bicycle Plan.

Policy Order #269 (in pdf #3474)

Sponsored by Councillor Devereux, Vice Mayor McGovern

That the City Manager is requested to form a Vision Zero Working Group comprised of staff from the relevant City departments and residents to collaboratively develop and review traffic safety plans, street designs, public education initiatives, traffic enforcement and related policies with the shared goal of eliminating crashes that result in serious injuries and deaths as quickly as possible.

Policy Order #263 (in pdf #3439)

Sponsored by Mayor E. Denise Simmons, Councillor Craig A. Kelley

That the City Manager is requested to consult with the Community Development Department and the Cambridge Police Commissioner, and to report back to the City Council on what specific recommendations and measures the City should consider in order to prevent future bicycle accidents and fatalities from occurring, and to make our streets safer for bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians.