After the 8 policy orders were passed on Oct 17, we applied pressure on the city administration to implement them, including our petition delivery on Oct 31st.
Councillor Mazen called a meeting for Nov 2 to discuss the orders, at which the city delayed the pilot program until the Spring. Councillor Mazen submitted a motion to be voted on during Nov 7th’s meeting to have a pre-winter pop-up on one street and a comprehensive network of pop-ups in the Spring.
Contact your councillors BEFORE MONDAY NOV 7th to support the network of pop-ups and/or a pre-winter pop-up. Contact info here.
See minutes from Nov 2nd meeting here (included in Nov 7 council meetings’s full agenda, not agenda summary)
Mayor Simmons also has a policy order (#295) to demand a report by December 12, 2016 on progress and to have full implementation by November 1, 2017. While great to have a deadline on paper, we want much faster movement than this – implementation should be done in the Spring, not by next November.
Motion text below:
1. That the City Manager instruct the Traffic Department to move one popup pilot lane up in time to winter or pre-winter and use the time between now and spring to plan a much more comprehensive network of popups for spring, including Hampshire, Massachusetts Avenue, and other high traffic corridors and report back on this matter.
2. That the City Manager instruct the city’s Vision Zero process and team to engage professional bicycle leaders and experts in Cambridge and Greater Boston on an urgent basis in response to collisions and on an ongoing basis to keep these leaders more directly involved in this work and that this should be independent from existing advisory and report back on this matter.
3. That the City Manager is instructed to work with the Traffic Department and the Department of Public Works to re-open the discussion on protected bicycle infrastructure on Huron Avenue with the bicycle community, Huron Avenue businesses, and other stakeholders and report back on this matter.
4. That the City Manager work with Public Safety to consider higher frequency enforcement in key transit junctions and corridors and report and report back on this matter.
5. City manager work with the Traffic Department to make street markings and street signage more ubiquitous in an effort to market the rules of the road to the users of all transportation modes and report back on this matter.