Safety Tips & Classes

Free Biking Classes

City of Cambridge offers free bicycle education workshops throughout the year. A list of upcoming workshops, as well as videos from past workshops, can be found at the Cambridge Community Development website. For more information about bicycle workshops or bicycle education in Cambridge, please contact Adi Philson,, 617/349-6012.

5 safety tips for urban cycling

  1. Ride cautiously and slowly
    Stop at lights and yield to pedestrians.
    It’s always OK to take the full lane when riding, as stated in MA state law.
  2. Be visible
    Use front and back lights! Some shops that sell them in Cambridge:
    Quad Bikes (Shepard and Walker St)
    Broadway Bicycle School (351 Broadway)
    CrimsonBikes (1001 Massachusetts Ave)
    Cambridge Bicycle (259 Massachusetts Ave)
  3. Avoid large vehicle blind spots
    Buses and trucks have large blind spots on either side of the vehicle as well as in front and back. Try to stay out of the blind spot, especially at intersections, where a vehicle may not see you as they turn right. If you can’t see the mirrors, the driver likely can’t see you.
  4. Avoid doors
    Try to ride as far from parked cars as possible, typically on the left half of a standard bike lane.
    Teach drivers & Uber/Lyft riders the Dutch Reach
    Reach with your far hand when opening so that you automatically turn to look for oncoming bikes and cars.
  5. Passing/being passed
    Pass another person riding on the left (be to the left of whomever you’re passing)
    By being consistent in our behavior, we can avoid crashes.

For more tips & detailed diagrams, check out the city’s page!


Street Code

Read the city’s Street Code, full of diagrams and explanations of how to behave while out and about, whether walking, driving, cycling or taking public transit.

Food for thought:

  1. Slow down. The faster you travel, the higher the risk of crash and death. Is beating that yellow light really worth injuring someone, losing your job, or going to jail? Take a breath and slow down.
  2. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Imagine what it would feel like to be in their position. Don’t assume the worst. Maybe they don’t know the rules and norms of the road. Maybe they looked, but didn’t see you. Be the person you want to see on the streets.
  3. It’s not about you. It’s about all of us. We are all trying to safely get somewhere. Let’s go out into the world trusting that we can come back alive and uninjured.